5 Unit Testing Best Practices I Learned from This NDC Conference Talk
22 Jul 2024 #tutorial #csharpRecently, I found a NDC talk titled “.NET Testing Best Practices” by Rob Richardson.
Today I want to share five unit testing best practices I learned from that talk, along with my comments on other parts of it.
Here’s the YouTube video of the talk, in case you want to watch it, and the speaker’s website,
During the presentation, the speaker coded some unit tests for the LightActuator
class. This class powers an IoT device that turns a light switch on or off based on a motion sensor input.
The LightActuator
turns on lights if any motion is detected in the evening or at night. And, it turns off lights in the morning or if no motion has been detected in the last minute.
Here’s the LightActuator
class, Source
public class LightActuator : ILightActuator
private DateTime LastMotionTime { get; set; }
public void ActuateLights(bool motionDetected)
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
// Update the time of last motion.
if (motionDetected)
LastMotionTime = time;
// If motion was detected in the evening or at night, turn the light on.
string timePeriod = GetTimePeriod(time);
if (motionDetected && (timePeriod == "Evening" || timePeriod == "Night"))
// If no motion is detected for one minute, or if it is morning or day, turn the light off.
else if (time.Subtract(LastMotionTime) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)
|| (timePeriod == "Morning" || timePeriod == "Noon"))
private string GetTimePeriod(DateTime dateTime)
if (dateTime.Hour >= 0 && dateTime.Hour < 6)
return "Night";
if (dateTime.Hour >= 6 && dateTime.Hour < 12)
return "Morning";
if (dateTime.Hour >= 12 && dateTime.Hour < 18)
return "Afternoon";
return "Evening";
And here’s the first unit test the presenter live-coded,
public class LightActuator_ActuateLights_Tests
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
// Arrange
bool motionDetected = true;
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); // random value
// Act
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
// Assert
Assert.NotEqual(actualTime, startTime);
Of course, the presenter refactored this test and introduced more examples throughout the rest of the talk. But this initial test is enough to prove our points.
Five Unit Testing Best Practices from This Talk
1. Adopt a new naming convention
In this talk, I found a new naming convention for our unit tests.
To name test classes, we use <ClassName>_<MethodName>_Tests
For test methods, we use <Scenario>_<ExpectedResult>
Here are the test class and method names for our sample test,
public class LightActuator_ActuateLights_Tests
// ^^^^^
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
// ^^^^^
// Beep, beep, boop...
// Magic goes here
2. Label your test parameters
Instead of simply calling the method under test with a list of parameters, let’s label them for more clarity.
For example, instead of simply calling ActuateLights()
with true
, let’s create a documenting variable,
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
// Before
// ^^^^^
// After
// ^^^^^
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
// Beep, beep, boop...
3. Use human-friendly assertions
Looking closely at the sample test, we notice the Assert part has a bug.
The actual and expected values inside NotEqual()
are in the wrong order. The expected value should go first. Arrrggg!
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
Assert.NotEqual(actualTime, startTime);
// ^^^^^
// They're in the wrong order. Arrrggg!
To avoid flipping them again, it’s a good idea to use more human-friendly assertions using libraries like FluentAssertions or Shouldly.
Here’s our tests using FluentAssertions,
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
// Before
//Assert.NotEqual(actualTime, startTime);
// ^^^^^
// They're in the wrong order. Arrrggg!
// After, with FluentAssertions
// ^^^^^
4. Don’t be too DRY
Our sample test only covers the scenario when any motion is detected. If we write another test for the scenario with no motion detected, our tests look like this,
public class LightActuator_ActuateLights_Tests
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
// ^^^^
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
Assert.NotEqual(startTime, actualTime);
// ^^^^^
public void NoMotionDetected_LastMotionTimeIsNotChanged()
bool motionDetected = false;
// ^^^^^
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
Assert.Equal(startTime, actualTime);
// ^^^^^
The only difference between the two is the value of motionDetected
and the assertion method at the end.
We might be tempted to remove that duplication, using parameterized tests.
But, inside unit tests, being explicit is better than being DRY.
Turning our two tests into a parameterized test would make us write a weird Assert part to switch between Equal()
and NotEqual()
based on the value of motionDetected
Let’s prefer clarity over dryness. Tests serve as a living documentation of system behavior.
5. Replace dependency creation with auto-mocking
uses a static class to turn on/off lights,
public void ActuateLights(bool motionDetected)
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
if (motionDetected)
LastMotionTime = time;
string timePeriod = GetTimePeriod(time);
if (motionDetected && (timePeriod == "Evening" || timePeriod == "Night"))
// ^^^^^
else if (time.Subtract(LastMotionTime) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)
|| (timePeriod == "Morning" || timePeriod == "Noon"))
// ^^^^^
It’d be hard to assert if the lights were turned on or off with a static method.
A better approach is to replace LightSwitcher.Instance
with an interface.
But adding a new dependency to the LightActuator
would break our tests.
Instead of manually passing the new LightSwitch
abstraction to the LightActuator
constructor inside our tests, we could rely on auto-mocking tools like Moq.AutoMocker.
Here’s our test using AutoMocker,
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
var ioc = new AutoMocker();
// ^^^^^
var actuator = ioc.CreateInstance<LightActuator>();
// ^^^^^
actuator.LastMotionTime = startTime;
DateTime actual = actuator.LastMotionTime;
I’ve already used a similar approach with TypeBuilder and AutoFixture.
My Reaction: What I’d do differently
After writing and getting my tests reviewed, I’ve developed my own “taste” for unit testing.
Don’t take me wrong. This is a good talk and I’ve stolen some ideas for my own presentations.
But, this is what I’d do differently:
1. Avoid comments for AAA sections
Let’s avoid adding // Arrange
, // Act
, and // Assert
comments inside our tests.
We don’t add // class
, // fields
, and // methods
in other parts of our code, so it shouldn’t be necessary in our tests either.
Instead, I prefer using blank lines to visually separate the three sections of the Arrange/Act/Assert pattern.
In the examples I’ve shown you, I completely removed those comments.
2. Name test values instead of using comments
It’s a good idea to document our test values. But, let’s avoid using comments when we can use a descriptive name.
I’d rename startTime
with a comment at the end to anyStartTime
or randomStartTime
public void MotionDetected_LastMotionTimeChanged()
bool motionDetected = true;
// Before:
//DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); // random value
// ^^^^^
var anyStartTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
// ^^^^^
// or
//var randomStartTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
// ^^^^
LightActuator actuator = new LightActuator();
actuator.LastMotionTime = anyStartTime;
DateTime actualTime = actuator.LastMotionTime;
Assert.NotEqual(anyStartTime, actualTime);
3. Don’t expose private parts
In the talk, as part of the refactoring session, the presenter tested some internals. Specifically, he made the LastMotionTime
property inside the LightActuator
class public to use it inside the tests.
Even somebody in the audience raised this question too.
I understand the presenter had less than an hour to show a complete example and he chose a simple approach.
But, let’s avoid exposing internals to our tests. That’s the most common mistake on unit testing.
Parting thoughts
Voilà! Those are the five lessons I learned from this talk.
My favorite quote from the talk:
“What’s cool about unit testing is we can debug our code by writing code”
— Rob Richardson
As an exercise left to the reader, the presenter didn’t cover testing time. But we already covered how to write tests that use DateTime.Now using a custom abstraction.
And if we’re using .NET 8.0, we can rely on .NET 8.0 TimeProvider and its abstractions to abstract and test time.
Another thing I didn’t like is that at some point in the testing session, a TimePeriodHelper
was added. And that’s one of the method and class names I’d like to ban.