It’s easy to start working with LINQ to replace for, foreach, and other loops. With a handful of LINQ methods, we have our backs covered.
But, often, we make some common mistakes when working with LINQ. Here are five common mistakes we make when working with LINQ for the first time and how to fix them.
Mistake 1: Use Count instead of Any
We should always prefer Any over Count to check if a collection is empty or has at least one element that meets a condition.
Let’s write,
Instead of,
Any returns when it finds at least one element.
Count could use the size of the underlying collection. But, it could also evaluate the entire LINQ query for other collection types. And this could be a performance hit for large collections.
Mistake 2: Use Where followed by Any
We can use a condition with Any directly, instead of filtering first with Where to then use Any.
Let’s write,
Instead of,
The same applies to the Where method followed by FirstOrDefault, Count, or any other method that receives a filter condition.
Let’s use the filtering condition directly instead of relying on the Where method first.
Mistake 3: Use FirstOrDefault instead of SingleOrDefault to find unique values
We should prefer SingleOrDefault over FirstOrDefault to find one and only one element matching a condition inside a collection.
Let’s write,
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1995,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1999,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2010,5),// ^^^^^newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)// ^^^^^// We have a tie here...};// SigleOrDefault expects only one element...but there are two of themvartheBest=movies.SingleOrDefault(movie=>movie.Rating==5);// ^^^^^^// System.InvalidOperationException: 'Sequence contains more than one matching element'//Console.WriteLine($"{theBest.Name}: [{theBest.Rating}]");recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);
Instead of,
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1995,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1999,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2010,5),// ^^^^^newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)// ^^^^^// We have a tie here...};// FirstOrDefault remains quiet if there's more than one matching element...vartheBest=movies.FirstOrDefault(movie=>movie.Rating==5);// ^^^^^Console.WriteLine($"{theBest.Name}: [{theBest.Rating}]");recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);
SigleOrDefault throws an exception when it finds more than one element matching a condition. But, with multiple matching elements, FirstOrDefault returns the first of them without signaling any problem.
Let’s pick between FirstOrDefault and SingleOrDefault to show the query’s intent. Let’s prefer SingleOrDefault to retrieve a unique matching element from a collection.
To guarantee that there is a single element in a collection, Single and SingleOrDefault have to evaluate the LINQ query over the entire collection. And, again, this could be a performance hit for large collections.
Mistake 4: Use FirstOrDefault without null checking
Let’s always check if we have a result when working with FirstOrDefault, LastOrDefault, and SingleOrDefault.
When any of those three methods don’t find results, they return the default value of the collection type.
For objects, the default value would be a null reference. And, do you know what happens when we access a property or method on a null reference?… Yes, It throws the fearsome NullReferenceException. Arrggg!
We have this mistake in the following code sample. We forgot to check if the worst variable has a value. An if (worst != null) would solve the problem.
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1995,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1999,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2010,5),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)};varworst=movies.FirstOrDefault(movie=>movie.Rating<2);// We forgot to check for nulls after using FirstOrDefault// It will break Console.WriteLine($"{worst.Name}: [{worst.Rating}]");// ^^^^^^^^^^^^ // System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'//// worst was null.recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);
We wrote a LINQ query with FirstOrDefault looking for the first movie with a rating lower than 2. But, we don’t have any movie that matches that condition. FirstOrDefault returned null, and we forgot to check if the worst variable was different from null before using it.
There are other alternatives to get rid of the NullReferenceException when using FirstOrDefault:
It means the actual result of a LINQ query is evaluated when we loop through the result, not when we declare the query. And it’s evaluated every time we loop through it.
Let’s avoid looping through the result of a LINQ query multiple times expecting it to be cached the first time we run it.
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("The Fifth Element",1995,4.6f),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)};varfavorites=movies.Where(movie=>{// Let's put a debugging message here...Console.WriteLine("Beep, boop...");returnmovie.Rating==5;});// 1. Let's print our favorite moviesforeach(varmovieinfavorites){Console.WriteLine($"{movie.Name}: [{movie.Rating}]");}Console.WriteLine();// 2. Let's do something else with our favorite moviesforeach(varmovieinfavorites){Console.WriteLine($"Doing something else with {movie.Name}");}Console.ReadKey();recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);// Output// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// My Neighbor Totoro: [5]//// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// Doing something else with My Neighbor Totoro
We wrote a debugging statement inside the Where method, and we looped through the result twice. The output shows the debugging statements twice. One for every time we looped through the result.
There was no caching whatsoever. The LINQ query was evaluated every time.
Instead of expecting a LINQ query to be cached, we could use ToList or ToArray to break the lazy evaluation. This way, we force the LINQ query to be evaluated only once - when we declare it.
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("The Fifth Element",1995,4.6f),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)};varfavorites=movies.Where(movie=>{// Let's put a debugging message here...Console.WriteLine("Beep, boop...");returnmovie.Rating==5;}).ToList();// ^^^^^^// We break the lazy evaluation with ToList// 1. Let's print our favorite moviesforeach(varmovieinfavorites){Console.WriteLine($"{movie.Name}: [{movie.Rating}]");}Console.WriteLine();// 2. Let's do something else with our favorite moviesforeach(varmovieinfavorites){Console.WriteLine($"Doing something else with {movie.Name}");}Console.ReadKey();recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);// Output// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// Beep, boop...// My Neighbor Totoro: [5]//// Doing something else with My Neighbor Totoro
Notice the output only shows the debugging messages once, even though we looped through the collection twice. We forced the query to be evaluated only once with the ToList method.
Voilà! Those are the five most common LINQ mistakes. They seem silly, but we often overlook them. Especially we often forget about the lazy evaluation of LINQ queries.
Want to write more expressive code for collections? Join my course, Getting Started with LINQ on Udemy and learn everything you need to know to start working productively with LINQ—in less than 2 hours.
The GroupBy method groups the elements of a collection based on a grouping key. This method returns a collection of “groups” or “buckets” organized by that key.
Let’s continue to work with our catalog of movies and group our movies by rating.
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1997,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1991,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2009,5),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)};// Group our catalog of movies based on their ratingvargroupedByRating=movies.GroupBy(movie=>movie.Rating);// ^^^^^^^foreach(vargroupingroupedByRating){// Each group or bucket has a Key property Console.WriteLine($"Rating: {group.Key}");foreach(varmovieingroup){Console.WriteLine($"{movie.Name}");}Console.WriteLine();}// Output://Rating: 4.5//Titanic////Rating: 4.6//The Fifth Element////Rating: 4.7//Terminator 2////Rating: 5//Avatar//My Neighbor Totoro////Rating: 4//PlatoonrecordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);
We used three recent C# features: the Top-level statements, records, and global using statements. Now we can write Console applications without the Main declaration. All boilerplate code is gone!
The GroupBy method receives a delegate as a parameter with the property to use as a key when grouping elements. In our previous example, we used the Rating property and wrote movie => movie.Rating.
What does GroupBy return?
The result of GroupBy is a collection of groups or buckets. It returns IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> where TKey is the type of the grouping key and TSource is the type of the elements inside the collection.
GroupBy return type
The IGrouping interface is a wrapper for a collection and its grouping key. Each group or bucket has a Key property.
In our example, the type of the return collection was IEnumerable<IGrouping<float, Movie>>. That’s why we needed two foreach loops to print the movies in each group. One to print the ratings and another to print all movies in each rating.
Also, the GroupBy method transforms each group or bucket.
Let’s count the movies with the same rating this time.
// This is a Console app without the Main class declaration// and with Global using statementsvarmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1997,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1991,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2009,5),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5)};// Transform every group into a RatingCount typevarcountByRating=movies.GroupBy(movie=>movie.Rating,// vvvvvvv(rating,groupedMovies)=>newRatingCount(rating,groupedMovies.Count());foreach(vargroupincountByRating){Console.WriteLine($"{group.Rating}: [{group.Count}]");}// Output://4.5: [1]//4.6: [1]//4.7: [1]//5: [2]//4: [1]recordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);recordRatingCount(floatRating,intCount);
We passed a second parameter to the GroupBy method. The first parameter was still the grouping key. But, the second one was a delegate that received the grouping key and the elements of each group,Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TSource>, TResult>. We named the two parameters: rating and groupedMovies.
Since we wanted to count the movies with the same rating, we used another LINQ method: Count.
As its name implies, the Count method returns the number of elements in a collection.
With the ratings and the movies per rating, we transformed every group of movies into a new object, RatingCount.
How to group by more than one property
In the two previous examples, we used the Rating property as the grouping key. But we can group the elements of a collection by more than one grouping property.
With the GroupBy method, to group a collection by more than one property, use a custom object as the grouping key.
Let’s group our movies by release year and rating.
varmovies=newList<Movie>{newMovie("Titanic",1998,4.5f),newMovie("The Fifth Element",1997,4.6f),newMovie("Terminator 2",1991,4.7f),newMovie("Avatar",2009,5),newMovie("Platoon",1986,4),newMovie("My Neighbor Totoro",1988,5),newMovie("Life Is Beautiful",1997,4.6f),newMovie("Saving Private Ryan",1998,4.5f),newMovie("Léon: The Professional",1994,4.5f),newMovie("Forrest Gump",1994,4.5f)};// Group by our catalog of moves by release year and ratingvargroupByReleasedYearAndRating=movies.GroupBy(movie=>new{movie.ReleaseYear,movie.Rating});// ^^^^^^^foreach(vargroupingroupByReleasedYearAndRating){vargroupingKey=group.Key;Console.WriteLine($"Release Year/Rating: {groupingKey.ReleaseYear} - {groupingKey.Rating} ");foreach(varmovieingroup){Console.WriteLine($"{movie.Name}");}Console.WriteLine();}// Output://Release Year/Rating: 1998 - 4.5//Titanic//Saving Private Ryan////Release Year/Rating: 1997 - 4.6//The Fifth Element//Life Is Beautiful////Release Year/Rating: 1991 - 4.7//Terminator 2////Release Year/Rating: 2009 - 5//Avatar////Release Year/Rating: 1986 - 4//Platoon////Release Year/Rating: 1988 - 5//My Neighbor Totoro////Release Year/Rating: 1994 - 4.5//Léon: The Professional//Forrest GumprecordMovie(stringName,intReleaseYear,floatRating);
We used an anonymous object as the grouping key.
What are anonymous objects in C#?
An anonymous object is a temporary and immutable object defined without a class definition or a name.
In our example, we wrote an anonymous object like this,
Inside anonymous objects, we can omit names while defining member properties if we want to keep the same names.
That’s why we only wrote,
When we need to access properties from an anonymous object, we use their property names, as usual.
Voilà! That’s the GroupBy method. It creates groups or buckets with the elements of a collection and transforms each group.
If you noticed the output of our previous examples, the GroupBy method grouped the elements without sorting them. For that, we would need the OrderBy method.
Want to write more expressive code for collections? Join my course, Getting Started with LINQ on Udemy and learn everything you need to know to start working productively with LINQ—in less than 2 hours.
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Voilà! Those are this month Monday Links. Do you have a career plan? How many environment do you have between developers’ machines and Production? Three? Do you use your work time to sharpen your skills?
If you’re learning LINQ for the first time, it can be daunting to learn all LINQ methods at once. Don’t try it.
Here are the five most common LINQ methods in pictures.
LINQ is the declarative, immutable, and lazy-evaluated way of working with collections in C#. And the most frequently used LINQ methods are Where, Select, Any, GroupBy, and FirstOrDefault.
Let’s work with a list of our favorite movies. Let’s write a Movie class with a name, release year, and a rating.
Let's keep the films with a rating greater than 4.5
We’re using arrows to display our LINQ queries. But, the output of a LINQ query is lazy-evaluated. It means the actual result of a LINQ query is evaluated until we loop through its result.
2. Select
Select applies a function to transform every element of a collection.
Let's keep only the names of our favorite filmsPhoto by Denise Jans on Unsplash
3. Any
Any checks if a collection has at least one element matching a condition. Unlike Where and Select, Any doesn’t return a new collection, but either true or false.
Let’s see if we have watched movies with a low rating.
The second parameter of GroupBy is a Func with the grouping key and the elements of each group as parameters. This Func works like a mapping function to transform each group or bucket found.
First and FirstOrDefault return the first element in a collection or the first one matching a condition. Otherwise, First throws an exception and FirstOrDefault returns the default value of the collection type.
To learn about LINQ and other methods, check my quick guide to LINQ with examples. All you need to know to start working with LINQ, in 15 minutes or less.
Want to write more expressive code for collections? Join my course, Getting Started with LINQ on Udemy and learn everything you need to know to start working productively with LINQ—in less than 2 hours.
This is an honest review of Brent Ozar’s Mastering courses after finishing them all some months ago.
I couldn’t write this a couple of years ago. Working with databases was a subject I avoided at all costs. Even to the point where I traded database-related tasks with an ex-coworker at a past job.
Avoiding database concepts cost me painful lessons.
Like the day I wrote a query with a function around a column in the WHERE and it almost took the server to its knees. That query was poorly written, and the table didn’t have good indexes. My query ended up making SQL Server scan the whole table. Arrgggg!
But, it changed a couple of years later while working with one of my clients.
They asked me to investigate the performance of some critical parts of the app. The bottleneck was in the database and I ended up Googling what to do to speed up SQL Server queries and compiling six SQL Server performance tuning tips I found.
In that search for performance tuning advice, I found Brent Ozar and his Mastering courses. These are the three things I liked after taking them.
1. Realistic Labs and Workloads
As part of Brent’s courses, we work with a copy of the StackOverflow database. Yeap, the same StackOverflow we all know and use.
After every subject in each course, we have labs to finish. Labs with bad queries, no indexes, blocking issues, etc. For the last course, Mastering Server Tuning, we have an emergency to fix. A server is on fire, and we have to put down the fire and lay out a long-term fix.
Often, some labs have easier alternatives. Either focus on a particular issue or run a workload and assess the whole situation.
2. Constraints to Solve Labs
As we progress throughout the courses, we start to have constraints to solve the labs. For example, “no index changes allowed” or “only query-level fixes.”
But, the exercise I like the most is the “Let’s play being performance consultant.” We have to fix a workload under 30 minutes with as few changes as possible. The closest thing to a real-world emergency. That’s from Mastering Server Tuning again. My favorite course.
Of course, there are more courses. They’re four in total. There’s one course solely on indexes, another one about query tuning, one to fix parameter sniffing issues, and, my favorite, the one on server-level fixes. Each course sits on top of the previous ones.
3. Popular Wisdom and Guerilla Tactics
All over the courses, Brent shares his experience as a consultant. I have those tips and pieces of advice on my notes like “when working with clients.”
For example, he shares to build as few indexes as possible and provide rollback scripts for index creation, just in case. Also, to provide a prioritized list of actionable steps to make SQL Server fast.
Also, he shares personal anecdotes. Like the day he went to consult wearing jeans, and everybody at the place was wearing jackets and ties. That story didn’t have a happy ending for the company. But, I won’t tell you more so you can find out what happened by taking the courses.
Parting Thought
Voilà! These are the three things I liked. My biggest lessons are:
Focus all tuning efforts on the top-most wait type, and,
Make as few changes as possible to take you across the finish line.
Often, we start to push buttons and turn knobs expecting SQL Server to run faster, without noticeable improvements and making more harm than good.
I will take the second lesson to other parts of my work, even outside of performance tuning context. Focus on the few changes that make the biggest impact.