How to Start Selling Without Sales Calls
10 Feb 2025 #miscTo stand out, do what everybody else isn’t doing.
That’s a lesson I learned from Isra Bravo, Spain’s top copywriter, and maybe the country’s top solopreneur.
When everybody is doing sales calls, putting chatbots on their websites, or offering personalized demos, it’s time to stand out by doing something completely different.
Recently, I discovered Keygen, a licensing software and its no calls policy.
The founder, probably being an introvert, wanted to ditch sales calls and in a moment of frustration, he deleted the “Book a call” button from his company’s website.
Instead of sales calls, they improved their messaging. They clarified what their tool does and how much it costs.
And when someone requests a sales call, they simply reply:
“No, we don’t do calls, but happy to help via email. Feel free to CC any relevant team members onto this thread.”
Some of Keygen’s prospects loved the #nocalls policy. Too many calls are boring, draining, and time-consuming.
Sure, they might be leaving money on the table. But we don’t want money from just anyone, only from the right clients. The ones that trust us, respect us, and pay the right price.
With a clear message and open pricing policies, we attract the right clients. We attract clients based on the messaging and the values we project. And that works for anything else in life.
#nocalls is an idea worth copying and stealing, especially if selling feels draining and if you prefer to think of in terms of helping, not selling. Better messaging = more sales.