There's No Perfect Time to Start Anything—Start Now!

Is there ever a perfect time to start anything?

Of course, no. “Perfect time” or “waiting to be ready” means never. And we will never be “ready” for anything in life.

Back in high school, we had two classmates who we all knew had a crush on each other.

And, as teenagers figuring out the new world of relationships, we all encouraged our classmate to ask his crush out. He always said: “Next month, I’m asking her out.” And then, the next month, he said: “Next month, I’m asking her out”. Then “next month…” and “next month…” He kept waiting for the perfect time.

“Next month” became never.

And it works the same for any creative project.

There’s no perfect time to start. You will never be ready. “Next month” means never.

So start that blog, start that YouTube channel, start taking those pictures, start that poetry book. You don’t need to be an expert to start. You don’t need to be famous. You don’t need to wait for the perfect time. You just need to start.

So why wait? Start today. Keep showing up and adapt as you go. The best time was five years ago. The next best time to start is right now.