You Need Multiple Sources of Joy—A Job Alone Isn't an Option

Diversify your sources of purpose and joy, the same way you should diversify your income.

Otherwise, if you lose your only source of purpose and joy, you’ll feel lost.

This happened to Vinay Hiremath, co-founder of Loom- the online screen recording tool.

After selling his company, he’s rich and has no idea what to do with his life. He wrote about it on his blog. All of a sudden the “co-founder of Loom” was gone.

With lots of cash but no sense of purpose, he went hiking, broke up with his girlfriend, went to the Himalayas, tried getting to Washington, and on and on. All in an effort to find a sense of meaning.

While I haven’t had an exit yet, I found myself going through something a similar situation.

I had my sense of value attached to my job. “Software Engineer.” For some time, that was everything I was and did… until I lost my job after a layoff.

All of a sudden I didn’t have the title. I wasn’t doing any coding. And I didn’t want to do any more of it. I felt trapped in a label I decided to accept on my own. “Coder” and “Software Engineer.”

During that forced time off, I took the opportunity to take care of my health, get back to my hobbies, and reflect on what I truly wanted in life.

I realized that, above all job titles, I’m a learner. Software engineering? It was just a stint of that.

If you’re in a similar situation,

  1. Understand you’re not your job. You’re not a title. You are way more than that.
  2. Find new hobbies outside work. Learn new skills just for fun. Read books from different fields. Practice a physical activity. Do something with your hands, away from screens.

Remember, your purpose and joy shouldn’t come from just one place. Don’t wait until you feel lost. Start today. Diversify your sources of purpose and joy.