10 Inspiring and Thought-Provoking Quotes About Life and Money I Collected in 2024
06 Jan 2025 #miscI’m not a quote addict. And I don’t collect quotes for a living either.
These weren’t intended to be quotes. But they’re pieces of wisdom I noticed and wrote down when consuming content as part of my daily procrastination. Sorry, I meant catching up.
From James Altucher—Writer, entrepreneur, and investor
Last year, I stalked James Altucher. I read his books and watched his interviews. I found his story and writings raw and inspiring.
Money is a by-product of personal development
Money is only one part of an abundant life.
And your life is abundant when your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies are healthy. You’re abundant when you move your body, do something creative, share ideas, and live free of negativity every single day.
Little things show how people really are
It’s not the speeches, interviews, and business presentations. It’s how you treat a waitress, your coworkers, or the janitor.
Don’t do things you hate at the expense of things you love
It was when I tried to convince myself of showing up to work just for money that I got burned out. I tried to convince myself to take that money to build a runway for my side hustle. I was so wrong!
Have multiple sources of joy
When things go sideways in one area, you can jump to another and still find joy and meaning. Diversify your joy the same way you should diversify your income sources.
Taylor Cavanaugh—ex-SEAL and life coach
Anything you do starts with self-development
This one comes from a Navy SEAL turned into a French Legionnaire. The media has created this glorified image of SEALs like indestructible and focused men.
But this isn’t the case. Taylor’s life was a disaster. All his bad decisions led him to escape to another country.
After overcoming his messy life, now he’s a life coach. And that quote summarizes his journey through recovery. It all starts in your mind with your beliefs.
Seth Godin—Entrepreneur and writer
Big problems demand small solutions
You don’t go to bed and wake up with a dream life. It requires effort and consistency. And it starts with the desire to change and small simple steps in the long run.
Dan Koe—Writer
The goal is getting paid by being you
You don’t need to close your eyes and try hard to come up with a niche. You’re the niche. Your interests, vision, and goals make you the niche.
Make the content you want to see in the world
The internet isn’t saturated. Sure, it’s getting flooded with more AI-generated content every day. But we’re craving more genuine and human content. Create that.
Jim Kwik—Brain coach
A confused mind accomplishes nothing
In 2023, I burned out. It took me months to get back on track. I was so deeply rooted in my frustration and resentment that I couldn’t see a way out. It was only when I started to work on my health and change my internal voice that I found a way out.
Reading is the best exercise for your brain
Reading is the closest we are to plugging ourselves into a computer and downloading decades of information to our brains in seconds. Reading is the Neo’s “I know Kung fu” from The Matrix.
Ok, I said I’m not a quote collector. But I have to confess I have one or two quotes beautifully framed around my desk. Whether you hang quotes on your wall or not, what truly matters is turning that inspiration into beliefs, actions, and habits.