Stop Time Traveling—Yes, You're Already Doing It

You don’t need to speed a DeLorean to 88mph to time travel. In fact, you’re already doing it.

Every time you go into your head to relive past situations, you’re time traveling. And every time you go into your head to anticipate future situations, you’re time traveling too.

I declare myself guilty of time traveling.

I’ve time traveled to the day when the ex-bosses “who let me go” finally realize how talented and smart I am and beg me to return. That probably will never happen. And I’ve only wasted time and mental energy time traveling.

By reading Choose Yourself by James Altucher, I learned to have a “Daily Practice:” A routine to work on my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self every day. We need to work on all of them to be healthy.

As part of the Daily Practice, James Altucher recommends stopping time traveling.

For some people, it means having moments of silence during the day to breathe and notice their thoughts.

I won’t call it “meditation.” Probably, when you hear that word, the first thing that comes to mind is a Buddhist monk sitting in impossible poses chanting. But it’s simpler than that.

When you notice you’re time traveling, repeat to yourself: “Stop, breathe, and get out of your mind.”

Time traveling only brings resentment. Stop doing it and get back to the present.