Monday Links: NDC Copenhagen
22 Jan 2024 #mondaylinksThese are four NDC conferences from the past Copenhagen edition.
Iron Man or Ultron: Is AI here to help us or hurt us?
“We want our AI’s to be like an IronMan suite. Not like Ultron. If IronMan does something cool in his suit, he gets the credit for it. If IronMan is not in the suit, then the suit is just this empty shell”
Is everything difficult, or is it just me?
This is a walkthrough of some mental health issues we all could face while working on a knowledge job. From Anxiety to Sleep. This is a subject we all should put on the table and talk about without any shame.
7 Things Technical Leaders Can Learn from Disney Princesses
I really liked this one. I never thought that Disney princesses could teach us about leadership. I have to confess that I skipped the singing parts from this talk. These are some of the main points:
- “Don’t turn too many knobs at once…don’t expect immediate results when dealing with teams of people”
- “Lean on your own self-worth and validation because the higher up in leadership you get the less external validation there will be for you”
- “A lot of great leaders don’t have superpowers. They’re just generalists.” Instead, they can unlock other people’s potential. “You’re role is a catalyst.”
- “Find support mechanisms when you move into leadership. This may be coaches, mentors, support groups”
- “If you’re passing on orders, you’re not leading, you’re just managing”
- “There’s no such a thing as a perfect team.” “Great leadership is about figuring out how to make teams from of a group of people”
- “One of your main things is to make crystal-clear and sure that the agendas between your primary and secondary teams are aligned”
How Work Works
This talk uses Queue Theory to tune how complex organization works. These are some of the main points:
- “IaaS platforms are M/M/c where c approaches to infinite”
- Recommended books: Continous Delivery, Building Microservices, Building Evolutionary Architectures, Principles of Product Development Flow, Accelerate, Team Topologies
- “Change request boards predict low performance”
Voilà! Another Monday Links episode. Do you AI as part of your daily work? What leadership lessons can you share?
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Happy coding!